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*Not a fixed set of orgs, will grow and evolve

Our Story

In October 2020, we established the Vaccine Equity Cooperative (VEC) and the Community Based Workforce Alliance (CBWA) to address the converging health crises of the COVID-19 pandemic. While we have had some incredible wins, we heard loud and clear that this type of collaborative health equity work should only expand. So we listened more to understand how to co-create this next phase. We are so thankful for the feedback that came in many forms and for your investment of time and care to get us here.

We remain committed to building the biggest tent so that we all can learn, serve, heal, and benefit in a loving community. We don’t have magic solutions, but we do have an appetite to co-design and, as we did with VEC and CBWA, to continue to listen, learn, support and grow in our community. We hope to:

  • Enable easier ways to share resources, best practices and expertise across issue areas, sectors, and geographies 
  • Collectively reimagine and drive policy and more resources to be invested in community health. 
  • Bring joy, laughter, love and belonging into the work of racial health equity work. 

That is the intent of the Health Equity Community Collaborative - to co-create a space working toward a future in which life-affirming opportunities and life-extending resources are abundant, equitably distributed, and accessible so that we collectively experience and participate in our healing, longevity, shared power and well-being.

We hope you will join us in this vision and help us get there.

Our Goals

Belonging & Healing

Model and embody healing people, together, by championing belonging, healing and power as the heart of health equity.


Advocate for conditions and spread practices that develop our collective capacity to cultivate belonging, healing and power - for the long haul.

Invest & Redistribute Funding

Influence investors and channel resources back into the hands of communities.

Reimagine & Drive Policy

Cross-pollinate and clear the path to super-charge community-driven advocacy and policies for health equity, at scale.


While HECC is directed by its community, it is led by a core team of local and national health equity advocates, responsible for the goals, values, strategy and operations of the collective.
Alexander Farjardo

Executive Director, El Sol Neighborhood Educational Center

Alexandra Quinn, MA, CHW

CEO, Health Leads

Denise Octavia Smith, MBA, CHW, PN

Executive Director, National Association of Community Health Workers

Durryle Brooks, Ph.D, MA

Founder & CEO, Love & Justice Consulting, LLC

Jacquelyn S. Dalton, MPH

Director, Health Equity Community Collaborative; Health Leads

Latia Curry Harrison

Principal, RALLY

Rhea Boyd, MD, MPH

Pediatrician and child and community health advocate and scholar

Rishi Manchanda, MD, MPH

CEO, HealthBegins

Scott C. Ratzan, MD, MPA

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Health Communication: International, Perspectives; Professor at CUNY School of Public Health and Health Policy, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Tufts University School of Medicine

Our Values

Kids sitting on stairs in winter clothes playing video games with tablets and smartphones outside buildingPortrait of a group talking through an issue in an interior office settingTop view of diverse male and female coworkers in smart casual clothes drinking takeaway coffee and talking during discussion of business plan in modern officeA group meeting together
Kids sitting on stairs in winter clothes playing video games with tablets and smartphones outside building

Build Trust & Lasting Partnerships

Authentically engage all partners to better understand their experience, learning and expertise. We work across many systems that impact people’s health, not just ‘healthcare’.

Our progress

Collaborative partners, including local community health workers & embedded public health professionals

Portrait of a group talking through an issue in an interior office setting

Invest In & Center Community

Strengthen and center our local and community-based partners in every decision. We are practical about what change means for community-based partners.

Our progress
Coast to coast

Member/programmatic footprint in all 50 states

Top view of diverse male and female coworkers in smart casual clothes drinking takeaway coffee and talking during discussion of business plan in modern office

Expand Access

To resources, data, information, learning opportunities and innovation for all partners.

Our progress

Collaborative partners, including local community health workers & embedded public health professionals

A group meeting together

Stay Curious

There is always something to understand, learn and improve. We are holding and living the questions that still do not have answers.

Our progress

Collaborative partners, including local community health workers & embedded public health professionals

A group meeting together

Cultivate Care & Belonging

The work is hard. From philanthropists to community leaders, create a space for every partner to feel seen, cared for, heard and appreciated. We move at the speed of trust so that we can find belonging, healing and power with each other.

Our progress

Collaborative partners, including local community health workers & embedded public health professionals

Support the Movement

Together, we can build and strengthen health equity efforts and ensure that everyone has access to the conditions, care and opportunities they deserve. 

Your generosity supports our mission to cultivate healing and health for all communities. Thank you!
Your donation supports HECC’s work through its backbone organization Health Leads, a 501(c)(3) organization, and your contributions are tax-deductible.